Judaline Cassidy

“The future of Tools & Tiara’s lies with our princess warriors everywhere knowing that ‘jobs don’t have genders’ and that society needs them to be our leaders of change.”

WomenWhoBuild, Meet Judaline Cassidy!

Judaline is a plumber for the New York Housing Authority and the Founder and Directory of Tools & Tiaras, a non-profit organization which promotes advancing the interest of young girls and women looking to enter the Construction Industry. ArchNative was lucky enough to sit down (virtually) with Judaline and discuss her own journey in the Construction field, what inspired her to create such an incredible organization, and what advice she has for females who are looking to enter the industry.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your journey in Construction?  

My journey into the fascinating world of construction began on the beautiful twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago. I really wanted to be a lawyer and that dream demolish when my great grandmother passed away. 

What was your first introduction to the field? 

I truly believe I was slowly preparing myself for my path as a plumber without intentional pursuing. In secondary school I got removed from tying and shorthand classes ( for those who remember). I took technical drawing instead of those classes. 

What about the industry enticed you to make it your career?

Initially the enticed was out of necessity. Financial I couldn’t afford entrance into our local university. So the trades was the next free option. I choose plumbing over electrical. I also love the problem solving aspect and the freedom the salary allows me. 

What does a typical day look like for you? 

Every morning I’m filled with gratitude that above ground winning. Then on most days I meditate and go to the gym an head out to work via subway or car. I currently work as a plumber for NYCHA ( New York City Housing Authority) 

I love what I do because I get to improve people lives through plumbing. 

What inspired you to create Tools and Tiaras? Can you tell us a little bit about the organization? 

I grew up not having confidence or love of self, and I realize that I felt the most empowered when I was working with tools. I said what if girls grew up always feeling this way. The possibility is limitless. 

Our mission is to put tools in the hands of girls and women hands there by empowering them with tools for life. 

We do this by exposing, inspiring, and mentoring them at our free monthly workshops and all girls construction skills summer camps. 

What do you see for the future for Tools and Tiaras? 

The future of T&T lies with our princess warriors everywhere knowing that “jobs don’t have genders” and the world and society needs them to be our leaders of change. 

Our goal and mission at T&T initiate an foster a respect, resurrection, and resurgence of the skills trades. We want a generations of kids to know that careers in the trades are lucrative and transferable wherever life journey may take them.

What advice would you give for females looking to enter the field?

Go for it! Don’t let the boys have all the fun and money. You got this and there’s a community of sisters ready to aid in your success.


Mona Elamin


Chelsea Conrad