Nandar Godoy-Dinneen

Photos Courtesy of Noel Dinneen

I know how to appreciate the impact I have through my work, no matter how small. I take great pride in helping our clients live better lives, whether they just had a baby and need more space or they’re getting older and need a more accessible home. There’s a beauty in appreciating the value you bring to your world.

ArchNative meet Nandar Godoy Dinneen,

Nandar is a Senior Associate at PJCArchitecture, an award winning boutique design firm based in New York. Originally from Quito, Ecuador, Nandar earned her degree in Architecture at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Upon moving to New York in 2006, Nandar went on to further her education, obtaining a degree in Interior Design from NYU as well as a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Interior Environments from the New York School of Interior Design.

Nandar’s 10 years of experience in the industry has centered around new construction and renovation work for high-end residential interiors, group up residential projects, and commercial buildings. Her design philosophy centers around the belief that humanity is the crucial element in creating spaces that are both engaging and functional. She is a LEED Green Associate as well as the co-founder of MARAVILLA, a New York based independent organization dedicated to raising awareness of Latin America and its people through film and the arts. Through her work with MARAVILLA, Nandar has initiated many programs including the Ecuadorian Film Festival and the Venezuelan Film Festival in New York.

Tell us a little bit about your first introduction to Architecture? What made you want to pursue it as a career?

My father was a doctor and my mother was a builder, so I grew up with two very different influences. Because of this, I actually took classes in both medicine and architecture during my first year of university in Quito. I quickly came to realize where my true passions lay. While I would struggle to stay awake reading my medical textbooks, I ended up falling in love with architecture. I still remember one of my first assignments was to create a space using wooden sticks and a mirror. There was something so exciting about creating something beautiful using only very simple elements. 

My uncle and godfather was also an architect. I spent a lot of time in his house as a child, watching him draw incredible sketches by hand. He would take me to see old buildings around Ecuador, which heavily influenced my interest in the field.

Tell us about how watching your mother build her home influenced the way you approach your own projects?

 My mother was a natural creative who loved building things, including my childhood home in Quito. Watching her process was definitely my initial inspiration to pursue a creative field. One of the most impactful experiences for me was watching her build her own home on an island in Ecuador around 10 years ago. She built the structure using locally-sourced, sustainable materials and local laborers in order to support the small town. Whenever possible, I try to incorporate this approach into my own projects by working collaboratively with people and nature.

Napoles House | Photos Courtesy of Juank Paredes

Upon your move to NYC, you continued your education in obtaining a degree in Interior Design from NYU and a Master's Degree in Sustainable Interior Environments from the New York of Interior Design. What elements of your education do you still utilize today?

 I try to use everything that I learned about sustainable environments, especially passive design strategies. I’m very interested in how factors such as building orientation and natural ventilation can make a big impact on the efficiency of a home. For my ground-up projects in Ecuador, I often have more freedom to utilize passive design strategies. One of our recent projects in Napoles, Ecuador was built entirely without mechanical heating and cooling, instead relying on a passive solar design.

In New York, we deal with different codes and regulations that naturally change the way we can approach sustainable strategies. We look at elements such as daylighting, cross-ventilation, and material selection. We are seeing a greater interest in healthy environments from our clients, and we try to specify products with low VOCs (volatile organic compounds) to reduce the exposure to off-gassing from toxic chemicals over time. For a larger ground-up project in the Adirondacks, we selected “Shou Sugi Ban”—an eco-friendly, charred wood—for the home’s siding, and otherwise specified locally-sourced materials to minimize the home’s carbon impact.

When looking for your next career move, how did you land on PJCArchitecture? What drew you to the company?

I discovered PJCArchitecture through a friend of mine who had been working as an assistant for Philip Consalvo, the firm’s founder and principal. I had recently finished my Master’s Degree and was planning to take a full year off to travel and decide what I wanted to do next. A designer at the firm was leaving and I joined the team to help out on a temporary basis. I never actually interviewed for the position, but now I’ve been working here for almost 11 years! Something just aligned in the universe.

How has your role changed during this time? How has the company changed during this time?

What started out as a temporary position grew into the greatest professional experience of my career. I really clicked with Phil. Not only do we get along well, but our design strategies and aesthetics are in line. Over time, he began trusting me with more responsibilities and now we do everything together. PJCArchitecture is a small firm and because of this, we are able to be very collaborative. We want everyone to be involved in decision making and not just relegated to drafting, or other roles. People are more invested in their jobs when they can see how their work makes a difference.

 As a professional, I am so fortunate to have Phil as a mentor. His patience, dedication, and passion for teaching have been invaluable in helping me navigate every aspect of my job. Beyond simply his expertise, his values and principals towards life inspire me and help me to be a better person. We are family now. I always say I have a couple of angels in my life and one of them is Phil.

Indian Lake House | Photos Courtesy of Tom Stock

What has been the most impactful project you have worked on in your career?

I started working on a tiny house project in Napoles Ecuador in 2019, while I was pregnant with my son. Soon after, the world turned upside down with COVID-19 and I had to deal with severe postpartum depression while isolated from family and friends. In many ways, this project became my second baby. It gave me another sense of purpose and a creative outlet when I truly needed one.

The home is only 700 square meters, and celebrates the vernacular architecture of its surroundings. We went back to basics in order to create a non-pretentious, minimalist structure. Four primary materials—locally sourced brick, steel, concrete, and glass—interact through simple and pure forms.

What is so exciting about this home is its passive solar design. The region experiences highly contrasting weather patterns, with mild temperatures in the mornings that skyrockets around midday before cooling back down in the evening. In our design, the east and west exposures receive direct sunlight in the morning and in the evening. The brick materiality stores the heat of the day and releases it at night when the temperatures drop. The operable windows and doors on all sides of the home facilitate cross-air circulation.

This project taught me just how much we can accomplish with just a smaller project and limited budget. “Less is more” was our motto, and we embraced this concept in the most beautiful way we could.

You deliver projects that are "human-focused", can you explain this concept to us, what does that mean to you? How do you ensure that this translates into the project?

I think that is often a disconnect between architecture and its end user. The first question an architect needs to ask themself is “Who will be using this space?”  We owe it to our clients to put their needs above our own design aesthetics or motivations. In our residential projects across NYC and the world, we work with many families and think deeply about how our architecture will impact their daily lives and their relationships with each other.

I always try to focus on the human aspects of the spaces we design by understanding our client’s feelings and incorporating them into the physical environment. At the end of the day, architecture should be about enhancing people’s quality of life.

Cumbaya House | Photos Courtesy of Lorena Darquea

You credit your experience as a mother with making you more nurturing, empathetic, and creative in your work. Can you elaborate on this?

I would not say that being a mother makes me better than any other architect. Of course, there are many incredible architects who do not have children. Rather, it is a lens that I use to inform my practice and perspectives. Becoming a mother helped me learn how to connect on a deeper level with my clients. I have different tools to help them learn how to open up and share their feelings. It has also helped me learn how to be more patient with everyone I work with.

In general, I believe that women can offer a valuable perspective to the architecture industry, which is still heavily male-dominated. Due to lingering biases, we are more likely to be overlooked. I’ve had to learn how to assert myself with confidence and make it  clear through my expertise why I deserve a spot in the room.

Beyond architecture, you are highly involved in the art world. Tell us about this passion and its influence on your work?

I would say most architects have a love for other forms of creative expression, whether that is painting, dancing, or music. For me, film has a special place in my heart. Going to the movies is my form of escape. I often go alone and forget all about my problems for a couple of hours.

 I’m also drawn by spaces in the movies I watch. Film allows you to explore new cities and styles of architecture. I’m by no means an expert or a film critic (though I wish someone would pay me to watch movies all day!) I actually co-founded the Ecuadorian Film Festival here in New York as a way to encourage emerging Ecuadorian filmmakers.

Park Avenue Apartment | Photos Courtesy of Bjorg Magnea

What is your greatest source of inspiration?

 Travel. I love to explore the vernacular architecture of new places and experience other ways of living. Every year I try to go to one place that I’ve never been before. I don’t look for any specific tourist destinations, but instead spend my time eating and walking around. I find it inspiring to explore new cultures and how they relate to their built environment. Last year I went to London for the first time, and this year I’m planning a trip to Portugal.

What is one resource you continuously use?

Pinterest is always helpful! Using what you have on hand—your phone, Google, etc.— is the best way to stay inspired and learn about new ideas. I try to stay informed about everything that’s happening in the architecture industry. I also follow many great female architects, especially in Latin America. Frida Escobedo is a particular favorite.

Columbus Avenue Apartment | Photos Courtesy of Bjorg Magnea

What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self? 

I would tell myself to go back to the basics. When I was young, I dreamt of moving to New York and becoming a “starchitect.” Who doesn’t want to be famous and win the Pritzker Prize? Now I realize that doesn’t matter. I know how to appreciate the impact I have through my work, no matter how small. I take great pride in helping our clients live better lives, whether they just had a baby and need more space or they’re getting older and need a more accessible home. There’s a beauty in appreciating the value you bring to your world.


Erla Dögg Ingjaldsdóttir