Zakiya Wiggins

“As a woman in the architecture and construction industry, first you must know yourself, and next you must understand the power and importance of your voice.”

WomenWhoBuild, Meet Zakiya Wiggins!

Zakiya is not only an architectural designer and artist, she also serves as the Interim Vice President and Secretary of the North Carolina Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NCNOMA). NCNOMA mission is to encourages the growth of minority architects and architectural businesses through education and awareness. Zakiya sat down with ArchNative, virtually of course, to talk about her journey in Architecture, her experience in Architecture school, and her role in this incredible organization.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your journey in Architecture?  

I am Zakiya Wiggins, an architectural designer, artist and advocate from Cary, NC. I discovered architecture as a high school freshman while I was working on a career research project. At the time, like many freshmen, I had no idea what would follow the next four years. I knew that I had been drawing and painting my entire life, and that I would always want to create; but what I would go to college to major in was still a mystery.  Since I had not yet taken calculus, I still loved math. Once I paired my passions with my dreams of traveling the world, I set my sights on becoming an architect. At that point in my life, I did not have any architectural mentors or family members in any related field, no overly supportive teachers, and limited internet access. The reason I am where I am today is due to a guidance counselor that believed in me, and a family that has always breathed life into my dreams. I put so much emphasis on the very beginning of my journey because so many young women that look like me, simply have not had the exposure to the profession, or encountered someone at some point in their journey that shot down their dreams because they did not look the part. Time has not stood still since I began to navigate through this profession. From NC State, to Morgan State, to being a practicing architectural designer that is pursing licensure. 

What was your first introduction to the field? 

After initially learning about architecture, my first true introduction to the field was not until over two years later at the NC State College of Design’s Design Camp. I attended the camp the summer prior to my senior year, and it cemented my fate to apply to architecture school. The camp was a pivotal confirmation of my career choice and influenced my choosing of NC State as my future home. As an architecture student, I went on to become a camp counselor and teaching assistant. Not only did those positions reinforce previous mentoring experiences, but they planted a seed to one day teach at the collegiate level. 

What about the industry enticed you to make it your career?

Architects think that they can save the world. When we all visit a new city, state or country, it is typically for the food, buildings and natural wonders. There is such an opportunity to impact culture, community, and day to day life with how we shape the built environment. There is an opportunity to heal forgotten communities. There is an opportunity to create spaces that become the backdrops for social movements, major life milestones and educational advancement. I was enticed to be an architect because I saw the chance to do some good in this world, and that is what keeps me going.  

What did you like the most about Architecture school? What did you like the least? ­

I loved the energy of architecture school. At NC State, there were always pinups of work from across the design disciplines. At Morgan State, all the architecture students, freshmen through final year of grad school, were in one long studio space that allowed you a chance to stay visually connected to what all levels are working on. My least favorite parts about architecture school are some aspects of the studio culture, and how much inequity is created by major-related expenses. With most majors, there are initial expenses in the beginning of the year that are knowns, or fixed – the books and software. In architecture, and other physical design majors, the additional costs throughout the semester are unknown. They can range from hundreds to over a thousand dollars per school year between model materials and presentation printing costs. Students from all backgrounds, privileged to disadvantaged, have most likely at some point relied on scraps to complete a project and avoid spending more money. 

 You are an executive board member for your local chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects, can you tell us a little bit about this incredible organization?

I currently serve as the Interim Vice President and Secretary of the North Carolina Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects (NCNOMA). The NCNOMA chapter is still relatively small to be a state chapter, but we are actively working to grow the chapter and provide value for members. One of NCNOMA’s major initiatives at this moment is the Project Pipeline architectural summer camp geared towards minority middle school and high school students, for which I am a co-chair. Because of my journey, I understand the invaluable opportunity that we are able to create with this camp. While the camp that I attended as a high school student was life changing, it is not lost on me that I was privileged to have parents that were able to afford my attendance. To be honest, I even paid a part of the camp registration. The Project Pipeline camp removes the financial gatekeeping by providing a camp that is typically less than $100 and has scholarships available for students in need.  For professional level NCNOMA members, we are listening to the needs. The newly reinstated NCNOMA chapter has a wide range of experience levels, and highly active student chapters. Every general body meeting, we make an effort to incorporate new ideas and programming for our members, and greater community.  

 What is one piece of advice you have for women entering the field?

As a woman in the architecture and construction industry, first you must know yourself, and next you must understand the power and importance of your voice. Unfortunately, I do not know a woman who has not at one point been spoken over or interrupted by a man. Understand that your voice comes from a position of knowledge and strength, and that there is nothing wrong with owning that. 


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